Little George

One rainy Sunday afternoon on Facebook his parents saw a tiny beagle looking for his forever home. The details didn’t reveal much except “he hadn’t lived in a home, he wasn’t housetrained, and he didn’t make any noise”. He spent nearly 3 years in a laboratory and they started experimenting on him at 4 weeks old. By Sunday evening his parents were desperate to be adopted by this tiny sad boy. They were prepared for the no house training.

After a couple of days his family could meet him. They took Eddie, his beagle brother, on a Sunday to a neutral place to meet. Eddie was doing what a normal 1 year old does and did the “bowing, come and play with me howl”. George was petrified. He had no idea and refused to be taken off the lead and leave his  foster mum´s legs. After 20 minutes Eddie won him round and they sort of played.


George was taken to his new home and his parents think it was the best thing they’d ever done. They’d just started a beagle field/meets, 5 acres enclosed.  For 3 months George walked the perimeter.  He had no idea of space. No idea of what beagle play was, he thought that was aggression. He took months to approach anyone, human touch meant pain. 


Week by week he realised these hoomans are really nice and love him!  It’s gone from strength to strength and he continues to become more beagle like by the day thanks to his Bro Eddie and his buddies. All of them helped George to be living his best life ever.


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George  is now a happy bug and along with his brother are the managers of the beagle field and I had the honour to have met him.


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